Wednesday 30 October 2013

Day 32 : Silent Hill (2006)

Silent Hill is a Horror film directed by Christophe Gans and written by Roger Avary. It is a film adaption of Konami’s video game series Silent Hill. In terms of genre it's a hybrid Horror movie, as it is a mixture of  the psychological and supernatural genre.

The Trailer

Key aspetcs I liked in the trailer 

- Straight away the trailer states the main aspect of the narrative through the dialogue. This is a good technique, as the viewer is most likely to be grabbed in due to the curiosity of what could happen next e.g “Honey when you go to sleep you go on a little walk” and the daughter says “I don’t remember”.

- The establishing shot as they're driving in the car sets the scene, followed by text which says "Toluca County, West Virginia. This sets the scene of where the story is about to occur almost like a crime has taken place. This is reminiscent of Psycho, as in the opening scene there's also the use of text which shows location. 

- The diegetic sound of the radio increasing in pitch, sounds unbearable and jarring which highlights to the audience that something bad is going to happen without the use of background music. As a viewer you almost feel like you're in the car with them, which is why the sound is more effective.

- When the car crashes it's almost as if the camera is crashing into us as a viewer, as it's placed in an objective view in which we have no say in. I also like the way the whole screen becomes black, in terms of editing it's almost as if the camera is in the perspective of the mother unconscious from the crash. 


Analysing trailers enables me to understand what makes a good trailer, which is why I believed picking out aspects which stood out to me the most would be a good idea. When creating my trailer I hope to gain inspiration from some of the Horror trailers I've deconstructed, in terms of setting, angles, camera shots, editing and sound. 

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