Friday 18 October 2013

Day 24 part 3 : The Rules of Survival

Scream was one of the first Horror movies, to create a twist by satirizing the typical conventions in Horror movies. To satire, means to play and spoof common occurrences which generally happen and make it 
more exciting and new for the audience.

The characters often do or say things which reinforces conventions presented in most Horror movies, e.g if the character hears a sound, they'll go and investigate saying "its not a Horror movie so obviously I'll be okay" (It creates comic irony). The diagram I made below, highlights key elements of satire I spotted whilst watching Scream. 

This diagram highlights the idea that in terms of genre Scream follows the typical conventions of Horror, however they create something new out of something old thus reinforcing Steve Neale's genre theory. Steve Neale believed genre, is "instances of repetition and difference" and Scream is a clear example of his theory.
When planning and creating my trailer I need to consider whether I want to use satire, or follow the traditional conventions of Horror.

Here's a song I made about surviving in Horror movies.

Reference :

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