Wednesday 2 October 2013

Day 12 part 3 : Freud

Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis, who had a new approach of understanding the human personality. He was regarded one of the most controversial minds of the 20th century. In relation to Horror Freud's theory reinforces Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze theory.

Freud reinforces the idea that through media women are sexualized. It's all through how women are portrayed for example, through the way the camera makes us view the individual and the perspectives it makes us view. In Horror movies this is often presented in shower scenes. These traits link to the idea of "Voyeurism". Voyeurism is the compulsion to seek sexual gratification by secretly looking at sexual objects or acts. I agree with Laura Mulvey's theory of Male Gaze, as women are often told to act and behave in a way to please the eyes of the heterosexual male in music videos, tv shows and movies. 

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