Wednesday 2 October 2013

Day 12 : Monstrous feminine & The representation of Carrie's mother

The monstrous feminine is a theory by Barbara Creed, in the The Horror Reader, Chapter: Kristeva, Femininity, Abjection.  It explores the idea of Carrie being oppressed due to attributes in which all women have, being twisted and turned against her as something dirty and shameful. Below I made a video using Adobe Premier about the representation of Carrie's mother and religion, but also the Monstrous Feminine theory.

Representation of Carrie's mother/Religious themes

Monstrous Feminine 

I agree but disagree with this theory as what Creed is suggesting sounds rather far fetched, however there's clearly evidence which supports her theory as the shower scene and the prom scene are alike in a lot of ways. For example the use of Romantic music which clashes with the element of Horror that follows, e.g in the shower scene Carrie starting her period and in the prom scene she's covered in pig's blood. In terms of how camera techniques are used, Creed has definitely got a point especially since Brian de Palma could have mirrored these two scenes to get that message across.

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