Wednesday 23 October 2013

Day 27 part 2 : "The Last Final Girl" - How Danielle Harris Survived The Transition From Child Star To Scream Queen

"The Last Final Girl", is a article written by Louis Petizman which interviews actress Danielle Harris and her journey through the industry of Horror movies. I have picked out a series of key quotes in which relate to the current state of the Horror movie industry. 

These quotes highlight the difficulties in which women often face in the film industry, as a whole due to the directors being male it's often constructed from a judgmental perspective. This relates to the idea that women can only get certain roles, if they look a certain way which interlinks with Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze theory as the victim is often typically attractive and placed only for the male viewer's pleasure. This article is extremely useful for gaining a perspective on how actresses see the Horror industry. In the contemporary Horror industry considering how women are perceived and treated is a key aspect. 

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