Friday 25 October 2013

Day 29 part 2 : Ferdinand Saussure - The Signifer and Signified

Ferdinand de Saussure is often dubbed the founder of modern linguistics. Saussure's theory names "concept" or "meaning" which is interlinked with association/impression of a "thing" which is "signified". This highlights the idea that Saussure believed words can have "sound images", which have a "mental linguistic sign" as a "signifier" is created in our minds.

An example 

"McDonalds" is a sign which conveys a meaning, it's then signified in our minds when we think of it. The signifier is "I'm lovin' it" and the Mc Donald's "M" as are words an image which give meaning.


- A Signifier : The form which the the sign takes

- The Signified : The concept is represents

In realtion to Horror

Saussure's concept links to the Horror genre in terms of mise en scene, as there are various "signs" that are "signified" in our minds and are "signifiers". E.g a crucifix relates to the theme of religion which is often in Horror. It could connote Christianity  but also the idea that someone could be a religious fundamentalist.

In my Horror trailer, magazine and poster there could be symbols and signs which present a specific theme to minds of the viewers. Saussure's concept highlights this process, as signs link to word and sound meanings.

Reference: , ,

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