Saturday 5 October 2013

Day 14 : Mary Harron & American Psycho (2000)

In the Horror movie industry there's a large gap between the proportion of male to female directors.

Mary Harron is a Canadian film maker and screenwriter. In relation to Horror, she is mainly known for American Psycho a slasher/thriller story of torture and murder. Originally there was going to be male directors, however to the public's surprise Mary Harron got the part. As Harron began production the crew were warned with threats of protest, due to the Feminist Majority Foundation condemning the film as misogynist.

American Psycho is controversial due to a sex scene, which then turns into psycho killer Patrick Bateman chasing prostitutes with a chainsaw. This links back to the theme of  Horror movies killing women who're presented as impure and engage in hedonistic activities, which is why feminists critiqued the representation of women in this movie. However the film has been argued by some critiques to be a feminist movie, due to the inhumane, cruel and abusive attributes to Patrick Bateman in which male viewers would find him unlikable and would dislike viewing things from his perceptive, in terms of Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze theory.

Throughout the creation process I will have to take these aspects into consideration, which is why researching various different movies and directors will help throughout this process.

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