Monday 21 October 2013

Day 26 : Reaction to "INBRED" (2012) Horror trailer

I've decided to record my reaction to a Horror trailer. My reactions relate strongly to the research I will have to conduct, when we're in groups and start the creation process. This is just a starting point as I haven't considered my target audience yet, so I just wanted to find out what makes me as a viewer scared and what makes me excited to find out more about the movies. INBRED is the first British Horror trailer I have seen during the time this course, so it will be interesting to see how it may vary to American Horror trailers

Overall INBRED is very similar to American trailers, especially the way the sound builds as if a temperature is rising until it bursts. This is reflected in the nature of the sound, as it synchronizes with the violent actions, which adds a greater effect as you can see from my reaction in my video. In terms of angles and camera techniques it was the same, as there was establishing shots of the scenery and tracking shots and pans of the location. These are used to set the scene which non surprisingly is isolated in terms of Horror conventions.
In terms of angles there are low angles which highlight the dominance of the "othered" individuals, which links to mise en scene as you have the typical hedonistic youths with a British twist.  In terms of editing a point which stood out to me, would be the quick jump cuts which appeared when everything started to go down hill for the protagonists.

The reaction of the audience is extremely important when creating Horror trailers, as through what you portray on the screen can effect and evoke a specific reaction from your audience.

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