Wednesday 9 October 2013

Day 17 part 2 : Feminist Horror movies

Some argue that Horror movies are made with men in mind, in terms of mise en scene and camera techniques due to women having no interest in the Horror genre. Clearly this isn't true as women are not a homogeneous group, some are avid viewers of Horror just like some men like Horror. A lot of the critiques believed that women did not watch Horror, because they believed they wouldn't have anyone to relate to in terms of characters, which is why I decided to research some feminist Horror movies.

I did research about May and Teeth. May is said to be a feminist Horror movie, due to its hybrid genre as it has a teen movie aspect with the message behind May's story as she struggles to fit in. Similarly teeth reflects how dominant men can be and the pressures of society, however she has the upper hand due to her monstrous aspects.

Researching feminist Horror movies will enable me to gain perspective, of what directors and writers to in the mainstream film industry when they subvert conventional portrayals of women. It makes to curious to whether I would subvert the mainstream feminist movies, aswell as the misogynist Horror movies who typically present women as sexualised victims.

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