Thursday 10 October 2013

Day 18 part 3: Halloween - Opening Scene

Earlier today I deconstructed the opening scene of Halloween, directed by John Carpenter who has dedicated his career to the Horror genre. I represented my information in a table below.

From analysing this scene I realised that every aspect in terms of point of view, music and sound, mise en scene, camera angles and editing is extremely important when making a Horror movie. Specifically as every aspect you use creates a different reaction and possible perspective for the view. For example the use of point of view shots in the opening scene, makes the audience feel uncomfortable and forces them to be in Mychael's shoes which is an element I would hope to present to my target audience.

I also answered 3 questions in relation to this scene, which are presented in a mindmap I made
using below.

Something which stood out to me the most while analyzing the opening scene, would be the use of objective point of view shots. It would be interesting to try and recreate these shots before I start my final piece, aswell as the mask vision shots as they're perfect at getting a specific reaction from the audience, in terms of fear, confusion and building tension.

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