Friday 18 October 2013

Day 24 : "The Digital Film Making Handbook" by Mark Brindle

Mark Brindle's book explores every aspect you need to consider, while getting the best from digital film making technology and techniques.

In his article on "Special effects" and make-up, Brindle explores how to make fake blood which is done by mixing red and black food colouring together with golden syrup. For black and white scenes you can use chocolate sauce which was illustrated by Hitchcock in Psycho. Bloodstains is made by moulding Gelatine and then spraying it in order to give it colour. Oil based products make the effects blend into the skin without ruining the effect which is used for multiple takes.

When creating my own trailer I will have to take aspects such as special effects, into consideration which is why I thought reading this extract of Mark Bindle's work would be beneficial to my progress throughout this course.

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