Tuesday 15 October 2013

Day 22 part 2 : Genre Theories

Throughout Horror there are influences, ranging through all different time periods. E.g Halloween from Psycho and Scream from Halloween. The chain of influence is a never ending cycle. I believe every movie has some element of originality, however they add their own twist on it, whether it’s through genre, camera techniques or how characters are portrayed.  

Below is a video I made using a screen recorder, it presents Neale's and Todorov's genre
theories and my views on them.

To summarize, I agree with Todorov's genre theory the most. I believe a new genre can always be formed by the mixture of other genres. Horror is a genre which consistently explores different genres, this is often reflected in the narrative but also the conventions they follow. I agree with Neale's theory in terms of difference, however it's implied that everything is repeated and Horror movies often have unique twists and representations of characters e.g "Final Girl.

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