Monday 7 October 2013

Day 15 part 2 : Using Photoshop part 2

Here's another photo I had taken in Yr 12 A level media studies

I added the font "Nameless" in which I hope would evoke
a reaction from the viewer, as they'll be curious to why
she's "Nameless".

I got an effect of scribbles from Google in which I changed the properties
to "Multiply", so that it would appear without the background on my edit.
I used the scratch effects in the background to make
the aura more scary in terms of mise en scene. In terms 
of mise en scene, in Horror movies I noticed that when someone was possessed 
or being haunted there would be a scratched out photo.

I then changed the properties and this was the result.
I feel as if this poster was more successful compared to the other poster I did, as
it has a specific vibe of fear in confusion in which I hope to evoke from
the audience in my final poster and magazine.

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