Monday 14 October 2013

Day 21 : Analysis of Horror movie magazines

In year 12 we researched and analysed the conventions of magazines, so my knowledge of conventions is developed however Horror movie magazines follow different conventions. This post will present my deconstructions of Horror magazines, as part of our project includes creating a magazine with a Horror element so I need to construct research beforehand. This will be useful so when I create my magazine I have a idea of what conventions to follow and if I subvert some, the reason behind why I made that choice.

While analysing these Horror magazine, patterns I found was the use of low angle mid shots, as magazines often want to present the villain as dominant over the viewer. This puts us in the position of the victim. I also found that red is used often in terms of the masthead and the especially if it’s in the center, or if not it’s fitted around the image if it’s dominant in terms of layout. The last magazine which features Freddy Krueger is unconventional in terms of colour, as it uses green, white, yellow and red. Magazines usually use 3 colours which often include either black or white. Personally I think the use of red was unnecessary as it clashes and doesn't harmonize well with the other colours. 

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