Thursday 17 October 2013

Day 23 : Going on a Recce

I went on a Recce to think about what characters I could present in my trailer. 
Here are some of the items I believe characters in Horror movies/trailers would own, conventionally but also unconventionally. 

I chose to take a picture of a skull and a doll, as I have seen both of these items in Horror movies.

-In terms of the doll it's usually presented as the object, in which a creepy possessed child may own or it's
the reason that bad things happen. For example in Child's Play Chuckie is an evil doll which murders.
-Skulls represent death which is one of the most monumental themes in Horror. While taking a picture of it, I visualized perhaps the "Bitter old mother" character owning this, as she could have items in her house which link to witchcraft and black magic.

In terms of the rose and skull shirt I took a picture of them, as I believe they could potentially represent a girl who's an outcast in society. In terms of subcultures the character could be fascinated with Gothic style, which makes her different to the mainstream culture. She could possibly be a killer due to her differences, as most Horror villains are deviant to societies normal standards. This would be conventional but unconventional, as most Horror movie villains are male.

Going on a recce was interesting, as it helped me gain a perspective of how everything a character owns and even wears can suggest things about their character. When creating my trailer I will have to take every aspect into consideration, to make sure the personality and back story of the character is clear to the viewers.

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