Tuesday 1 October 2013

Day 11 part 2 : Claude Levi-Straus & Aristotle

 Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher, who wrote about various subjects including physics, politics and government. Aristotle believed that plot and characters are the most important when it comes to narrative. Personally I agree with Aristotle as I believe that characters can often be the reason you like a film, as they can effect the audience straight away through how their presented and dialogue. In terms of plot I also think it's equally as important as it provides a frame for the whole story, however on the other hand I think every aspect which makes up a narrative is important.

Claude Levi Strauss was a French anthropologist and ethnologist. He defined the concept on Binary opposites in which all narratives present a force which is driven by conflict, e.g bad and good, beautiful and ugly, supernatural and natural and living vs dead.  I agree with this concept as most narratives are fueled by a conflict which needs to be resolved e.g Scream. A lot of Horror movies follow this ideology and the conflict is often brought about due to a killer, monster or ghost presenting the opposites of good and evil.

Being aware of different analysis on character, plot and narrative will strengthen my process of planning when thinking of story lines to base our Horror trailers on, as I could potentially use Claude Levi and Aristotle as inspiration.

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