Friday 1 November 2013

Day 33 : Short Film - Porcelain Rising

What I liked the most:

  • In terms of casting I thought the actress who played the young girl was extremely convincing, which made her likable as a viewer but also relatable as I wanted her to conquer the villain. This relates to Carol J Clover's (Men, Women and Chainsaw) statement where she argued that audiences identify more with the victim than people present. 
  • I liked the low angle shot as the main protagonist walked over to the wardrobe. The fact that we could only see her feet from a perspective underneath the bed created tension, as we are curious to whether she's in danger or not. 
  • In terms of conventions a scary doll is an expected aspect of Horror movies. However in this film the doll is quite unconventional, as the girl then becomes the doll at the end. I thought this was quite unique and in terms of narrative, I enjoyed the way the twist was at the very end when her father walked in.
  • In terms of setting there's the constant flashing of lightning, which in terms of Horror movies is conventional as the weather often reflects the idea that something bad will take place. In relation to this film the weather is extremely effective in this film, as we know the doll is coming to get her.

What I learnt: 

I really enjoyed this short film, as it highlights the idea that making things simple often works the best, as if you over complicate things it may not flow well. I also learnt that when making a product of a short duration all aspects of mise en scene, camera techniques and setting which are dominant in a wide variety in movies can be just as effective when the product is a trailer or short scene. 

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