Wednesday 6 November 2013

Day 35 part 3 : Getting into terms with Horror trailers


In the next couple of weeks we will be getting into groups and starting are final products. To demonstrate organisation skills and the ability to work in a team, me Priscilla and Adelina decided to create a detailed plan as if we were working together to create our final pieces.

Priscilla created the poster and took photos, Adelina created character profiles. We made a list of each job which needs to be completed and allocated roles within our team. Here's a list which presents who was doing what.

Here's a list which we created as a group. It presents potential settings we aimed to film the trailer, but also brainstorms for poster ideas and jobs each member could do.

Priscilla and Adelina's roles 

What I contributed

Conclusion/What I've learnt

I was in charge of creating the storyboard and writing a narrative summary. Creating a storyboard was difficult at first, however when referring back to trailers I had deconstructed and seen in the past it was easier to describe each aspect, in terms of shots, angles, transitions and sound.

Making a narrative summary meant I had to reveal  just the right amount of the story, so that the audience would be intrigued to watch the movie and find out what will happen next. I used Barthes's Enigma code theory as inspiration whilst writing the summary, as I believe in terms of Horror narratives, movies which keep the audience curious to what will happen next are the best stories. An example through trailers would be Cabin in the Woods, as the trailer hinted aspects of the storyline which made me curious to find out the unknown.

In the final piece I hope to use theorists, movies, directors and layouts as inspiration when creating the trailer, magazine and poster however doing a practice plan was a good process. When creating my final trailer, I hope to refer back to this project in terms of how I have improved but also how doing detailed research can strengthen the creation process.

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