Friday 8 November 2013

Day 36 : Doing our own Market Research


Doing our own research will enable me to gain a deeper understanding on my potential target audience and any other particular topic I want to strengthen my knowledge or prove a hypothesis from. For example if I believed that women would generally enjoy watching women who are, unified, strong and powerful in contrast to the "Damsel in Distress", I would have to do research to prove it.

Me and Priscilla are working together as researchers, to carry out our own market research. Below are pictures which represent our planning, development and ideas so far.

What I've learnt 

From planning research, I realised how much needs to be taken into consideration before carrying it out. When conducting research you must evaluate your plans as if there are any errors the data could be effected, this could result in the data having low validity. This was illustrated when me and Priscilla were creating questions for the survey, as we realised the research could be stronger if we used one trailer and focused on a variety of concepts in relation to one specific trailer. Next week we will be carrying out this research and I will evaluate what went well and what could be improved.

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