Monday 18 November 2013

Day 42 part 2 : My Own Qualitative Market Research - Representation of Women in Horror

When creating this questionnaire I purposely added  an element of influence to one of the questions ("Do you think Horror should have a diverse range of women, in terms of representations? If yes describe), to see whether there were women who disagreed with women gaining more opportunities and roles. I than had a debate with this participant to find out further why she answered no on this question.

Overall my sample consisted of  7 people of which one was male, it produced mainly qualitative research but also quantitative.  I specifically wanted to focus on women as I believe women should be represented in variety, as in terms of modelling and intimation it could lead to some women being socialized into thinking they can't do the same things that men can do. 

In regards to the other 6 participants they all agreed women should have equal opportunities to men. Question 1 asked "What do you think about the representation of women in Horror movies?". One participant answered that "women are often perceived as scared, screaming and in the need of protection", he disliked the limitation in representations women faced which highlights the idea that some men do infact want equal opportunities for women. 

In Question 2 I asked "Do you find the "Final Girl" a character which is revolutionary in terms of the typical representations of women? Describe in the lines below. The majority of participants except from "A" and others found the "Final Girl" unifying to a certain extent as they believed in current times women are now "taking the lead more than men" in terms of the representation in Horror. This relates to the idea that opportunities for women have have increased, however I believe it hasn't improved enough. 

Lastly in Question 3 6 out of 7 participants agreed "women should have a diverse range of representations" I (quoted from a participants answer)This research made me even more determined to subvert the typical representation of women in our trailer, as personally I believe women shouldn't be marginalized in the movie industry due to their biological differences to men. This relates to postmodernist film as Postmodern film often subverts the typical representations, in terms of social class, gender, age, ethnicity and narrative.

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