Thursday 14 November 2013

Day 40 : Our first task as a group

Today's lesson we were put in our final groups in which we will create a magazine, trailer and poster. I'm working in a group of 3 with Afreen and Priscilla. We were required to film a scene from any Horror movie or trailer that we found interesting. This involved us having a group discussion, where we decided recreating Mychael from Halloween's POV shots would work well.

This is a sheet in which sir gave us in class and as a camerawoman I made sure to intertwine these elements in our piece. 

Here's the brainstorm in which we created as a group. It covers aspects of mise en scene, setting, camera techniques and sound in relation to our given task. When filming I took on the role of camerawoman which involved setting up the camera in terms of the tripod, suggesting what shots could work well when relating back to the brainstorm, making sure each characters in the frame and including a variety of shots. Priscilla took on the role of director over seeing the actors/actresses body language and giving suggestions on how they could improve and Afreen was an actress playing homage to Mychael's sister in Halloween, with a twist as ethnic minorities aren't often presented in Horror. When editing has begun I will evaluate our scene as a whole and weigh out what went well and what could have worked better.

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