Friday 22 November 2013

Day 43 : Exploring Narrative

Narrative refers to the order and sequence of events which characterise a plot. Before creating our trailer we must consider what the narrative of our film will include, which proved difficult at first as we originally thought of our narrative in terms of our trailer. 

When considering the concept of narrative it is important to evaluate what makes a good or bad narrative, but also what themes are reflected within it especially in terms of the Horror genre. 

I thought Well's perspective of the genre of Horror films was important to consider before writing a narrative, as I strongly agree Horror portrays fears in society. 

Below is a brainstorm I made which reflects potential fears we could portray in our trailers. 

Creating this brainstorm using helped me gain a sense of what themes we could potentially include in our narrative, but also that most Horror movies are based on a fear which is still evident in contemporary society e.g the constant theme of fearing outsiders is presented in media everyday with the demonised presentation of subgroups like gypsies. 

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