Wednesday 6 November 2013

Day 35 : What is Research?

Research includes any gathering of data, information, opinions and facts for the advancement of knowledge. Research is mainly carried out with an aim or belief which they want to reinforce with data. For example sociologists often make a statement, e.g "There's social class inequality in the UK". They would then have to carry out experiments to strengthen their statements. 

Research produces data which can be split into 2 research types. These are represented in the table below. 


Both these research methods can produce quantitative and qualitative research. When creating our Horror trailers we need to have a deep understanding of our target audience. I could possibly carry out observational research to gain a perspective of what scares people, or a quasi-experiment to find out about representations in terms of characters and how they psychologically impact individuals views of a specific subgroup, e.g what do you think of this character from this picture. 

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