Wednesday 13 November 2013

Day 39 : Classifications

Before constructing a Horror trailer the being aware of classifications is a key aspect, as we will need to target a specific audience which involves age as a factor. 

The BBFC is a company which provides ratings for films and video games. Both of these media products often present violent or explicit material, which could be inappropriate for certain age groups.

In the audio snippet below I will talking about each ratings and BBFC in relation to the genre of Horror.

Whilst reading through BBFC's website I found out that "horror' films were banned from distribution in the latter years of the Second World War in case they damaged public morale" . Straight away this reminded me of Harold Laswell and his Hypodermic Model theory, as he believed the government used media to influence people's opinions and keep them taking part in the great war effort. In Horror there is always a link to society in the themes they represent. Relating back to classifications themes and age interlink as foul language, sexual themes and violence will not be presented in any rating under 15.  When creating my trailer I will have to take into consideration different age groups, as you have to acknowledge that different age groups may be more sensitive to certain images. 

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