Saturday 16 November 2013

Day 42 : Market Research to develop knowledge of audience

Today me and Priscilla carried out research to develop our understanding of audiences. Here is a video which presents their reactions and views regarding their fears. The clips compiled below only demonstrate the best reactions, which are mainly in relation to shocking imagery, use of sound to scare the audience and a sense of enigma through the narrative.

The reaction video with best bits is below

These pictures represent our findings but also why we changed specific aspects of our research.

We also made a video addressing our findings.

Carrying out market research enabled me to gain a deeper understanding of what our audience would like to see changed, what they found the most effective and how certain presentations make them feel uncomfortable. Age group and gender certainly had an impact on our market research as yr 7 - yr 9 found the more violent and suggestive imagery uncomfortable. In terms of gender only 2 of our participants were male, however they were less reactive when shown trailers in comparison to the women and girls. This could be due to their gender, however the research is not representative as our samples were extremely small. When deciding our audience we will have to take into consideration ethics of our participants but also classifications as certain age groups can't watch certain images. I will definitely refer back to this research in the future when gaining reasoning behind decisions I make or put forward in my group.

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