Sunday 29 September 2013

Day 9 part 2 : Todorov & Propp

While studying the history of Horror, it's important to consider how different theorists perspectives link to the genre. In my powerpoint made using SlideRocket, there's information about Todorov and Propp's theories in which I applied to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2013).

Personally I believe Todorov's theory is stronger than Propp's as most stories have a point where, they start of fine with no problems, there's something which disturbs the peace and then it's resolved. It is much easy to apply to narratives unlike Propp's theory, as Horror movies don't often have happy endings so it's hard to view "A Princess" as they don't often have a reward at the end.

Being aware of different theorists views on characters and narratives, enables me to be actively thinking of what kind of storyline and characters I want my trailer to include. This also links to whether I should follow their perspectives on these aspects or subvert the norms.

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