Friday 27 September 2013

Day 7 part 2 : Timeline of iconic Horror movies

I created a timeline using Creating a timeline of iconic horror movies will help me understand the patterns, trends and developments of the Horror genre throughout time.

During the Gothic era of Horror the villains were often monsters, however in contemporary horror movies the villain has migrated to mainly humans. It could be argued that villains reflect societies fears, as Norman Bates in Psycho, Leatherface in Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs were influenced by Ed Gein. Ed Gein was a American serial killer who appeared normal but was a murderer/ body snatcher who dressed up as his mother and skinned his victims. An example of this in contemporary society through horror movies, would be World War Z as it reflects the fear of the world ending which has been consistently presented through mass media.

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