Monday 30 September 2013

Day 10 part 2 : Let the Right One in VS Twilight

Let the Right One in is a Swedish Horror film hybrid. It's a mixture of thriller, suspense and Romantic genre which makes it different to other Horror films. It was directed by Tomas Alfredson and distributed in 2008.
The story consists of a bullied 12 year old boy, who seems to be searching for his own voice. His voice is then found when he meets a young girl who appears mysterious, but is a good friend to him. He finds out she's a vampire and his life is surrounded by her presence ever since. Twilight is a Romantic teen movie which is extremely different to Let the Right one in, however they have some similarities.

Below is a recording I made using which presents the similarities and differences I found while comparing the two movies.

Let the Right one In in terms of certain representations and aspects is extremely different to Twilight, which is why I choose to compare them to emphasize the importance of genre and how it can change the way the characters come across and our presented. The icon of blood is especially sentimental in Let the Right one In which reinforces the genre as the audience aspects to see gore and be thrilled, however in Twilight it's more about Edward's feelings for Bella which is why we see arguments, break ups and disputes relating back to the Romance genre, as it's what the audience expect to see.

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