Saturday 21 September 2013

Day 5 : Who influenced who?

Asian horror has pioneered to the screens of people all over the world within the last 10 years. Japanese horror in particular has made iconic movies, in which resulted in them being known for creating the creepiest, twisted and spine tingling horror movies. The western horror movie scene has definitely been influenced by Japanese movies, in relation to ghosts. Most Japanese horror movies use ghosts or demons. This is a convention of Japanese horror movies, as they’re mainly known for the paranormal thriller hybrid of horror.

Japanese movies also have western influences, for example Frankenstein influenced Ishiro Hinda to write Godzilla in March 1951. Due to the destruction of the atomic power in Japan, the public began to fear what effect science could have on peoples lifes. This relates to horror movies being successful due to the fear of the unknown reaction evoked from the viewers. 

Many foreign movies have been adapted into western remakes. Here are a few examples below.
*Click on the mute button to play music*

Regardless of where the director or the story is from movies will never fail to have influences from other movies or a directors style. In relation to my trailer I think the concept of being inspired by a director or a particular movie will help create a strong effective trailer.

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