Friday 27 September 2013

Day 7 part 3 : Genre and Narrative

Genres are catorgories in which groups and classifys an overall subject. Christopher Lee who played Dracula said "Genre is essentially a means of grouping texts together, classifying them according to certain kinds of shared characteristics: plot, characters, iconography, setting, music, stars etc".

In relation to horror movies many theorists have different perspectives on what they believe defines horror. Genre and narrative interlink as the narrative can be seen as what makes the genre, e.g someone getting kidnapped by an alien would link to a supernatural genre of horror.

Wells believed all narratives include "social alienation, the collapse of spiritual and moral order, a deep crises of evolutionary identity, the overt articulation of human kind's inner most imperatives, and the need to express the implications of human existence in an appropriate aesthetic." I agree with Well's theory as most conventional horror movies flow in the style of an alienated individual who has left society. Their absence from societies orders and control, leads to them committing acts which represent decivilization, which is it's a fear since they're going against the same norms and values of society.

A Horror movie which represents Well's theory would be Psycho and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
My diagrams which support Well's theory are below.

When creating my trailer I need to take theorists views into consideration in terms of the genre and narrative of the horror trailer, but also how the characters interlink within it.

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