Friday 27 September 2013

Day 7 : Male Gaze theory and the Representation of Women

Laura Mulvey, a British feminist argued that throughout media and film women are often represented as an object that visually benefits the hetrosexual male. The camera techniques are of what a man would aspire to see thus privileging the male at the oppression of women. E.g the shower scene at the start of Carrie (1976).

In some of the Horror movies I have watched, I have witnessed a misogynistic approach to women especially in terms of the "Slut" trop. The convention of a "Slut" character makes me imply from a feminist approach that women who explore their own sexuality are perceived negatively and looked down upon. This ideology reinforces the idea that the media reflects societies issues. The representation of men who express their sexuality in contrast to women highlights the double standards as men are praised for expressing themselves sexually while women are demonized.

Here's brainstorm I made using This brainstorm highlights the typical female characters I've see presented in Horror movies.

Women are often represented negatively in Horror movies. They have no freedom and are caged in a box of only existing to visually please men. Here is a YouTube video I found on the representation of women in Horror movies. It  illustrates the idea that if women have sex they're seen as vile and demonic which is why they often die. It's extremely unconventional for a non virgin woman to survive in horror movies. This video also highlights the idea that women who take drugs and drink (Hedonistic behavior), cleanse themselves in a shower or bath which is seen as purifying and wear extremely little clothes you will most likely die. These trends of what types of women die suggests that if women act against their gender construction of being weak, quiet, virginal, reliant on men and generally free they will die.

Personally I believe the representation of women in horror movies should be of more variety.Women shouldn't be limited to one role, which is why in my trailer I hope to subvert the representations of women and create an unconventional character.  

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