Saturday 28 September 2013

Day 8 : The Slenderman review

Fairly recently I watched Slender man. After watching the movie I wrote a review on what intrigued me and what I believe could have been done better. Watching Slenderman allowed me to get a feeling of different hybrids of Horror as Slender man is of the urban legend hybrid genre, which is different to the typical paranormal Horror I've seen in the past.

Here's my review below. 


The Slender Man is a mythological being which has thin long arms and legs, taller than any living thing on this earth. He’s said to wear a black suite with a black tie, as he blends into the musk of the night waiting for easy prey, waiting for an opportunity to kidnap and kill its next victim. The movie filmed in 2013 is extremely slow paced which flows nicely as it relates to the realistic documentary aspect of the story. The film consists of a set of clips filmed from the perspective of the main 3 protagonist’s camcoders, this is a conventional aspect to horror movies similar to the Paranormal Activity series so if you liked that you’ll definitely enjoy this.


The story begins with a father playing baseball with his son, which at first seems like an harmless interaction between loved ones however the picture perfect moment soon comes to an end non surprisingly. The film is pretty cliché, however it sets the gist of the story straight away and doesn’t involve much concentration. This is perfect for film watchers who like horror but don’t like lots of quick action cuts, complicated storylines and “jumpy” moments which results in you constantly moving about in your seat.

The son and daughter of the recently deceased father Jim Anders, Chase and Emma are grieving over their fathers recent death. Emma played by Emma Baker, is a naïve and confident teen who’s headstrong to film a school project which in the horror genre is a sign mayhem is inevitable. Her performance makes the film less serious with her whitty comments and smart remarks, making the aura of the film more light hearted and attractive. Her personality is a perfect ice breaker as at some scenes the audience is taken back but revived by her humorous qualities. I would definitely say that Emma Baker is the best actress in this movie. She’s the glue which holds the film together, as performances from other actors/actresses is slacking and often causes viewers to yawn at their lack of enthusiasm and overall performance.

The setting of the film takes place in a perfectly conventional area, typical to the airy isolated location you often see presented in movies of this genre. In terms of mise en scene the setting often evokes a reaction from the viewer. Since the camera is mainly from each characters perspective, when the slender man comes to attack its next victim it is if you the audience are next on his hit list. I would definitely recommend viewing this film in the cinema or with friends, as it is a perfect film to be a bit scared but to have a laugh. For people who enjoy getting adrenaline rushes from the sight of flying daggers, splattered blood and guts you should definitely pass this film.

Overall I would rate The Slender Man a 2 out of 5. If you’re bored and looking for something quickly to watch to pass time this would be perfect, however if you were to spend money to watch this film you would be greatly disappointed. The film is unintentionally comedic and cheesy but somehow it works, so gather your microwave popcorn, liquorice and soda and watch this movie with some company.  

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