Sunday 29 September 2013

Day 9 : Alfred Hitchcock & Psycho's Influence

Alfred Hitchcock is a highly influential film maker. He is mainly known for Psycho, which is no surprise as it's dubbed one of the most iconic Horror movies of all time.  Alfred Hitchcock revolutionized the Horror/Thriller genre using camera techniques which had never been used before. Below is a video I made using PowToon about Hitchcock's background and key information about Psycho.

Just like Tony Hopper Alfred Hitchcock used unique marketing methods, for example he told the audience that they must see the first 10 minutes of the movie including opening credits. This made the audience curious to what would happen in the movie. Hitchcock at the time was viewed as crazy since he killed his main protagonist Marion in the first 45 minutes of the film. This was unusual for movies at the time, especially since most Horror movies had Gothic monsters like Godzilla and Dracula. Alfred Hitchcock is a good director/producer to research as in terms of camera techniques he was unique and different, so while creating my own trailer I could use his style as inspiration.

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