Thursday 30 January 2014

Day 75 : Slogans and Taglines for our poster & trailer

Before creating our trailer me and priscilla considered snappy, attention grabbing slogans and text we could include in our trailer, magazine and poster. This post will display our thought processes aswell  as ideas. 

-These are the ideas that we brainstormed together. We thought it would be effective if we could intertwine elements of the narrative within the text, e.g "Flora's dying to meet you". This reinforces the twisted qualities of Flora but also tells the audience straight away that she is the villain, which is the element we wanted to include so that the audience is shocked by her young and cute exterior. We are planning to use this in our trailer or magazine, however we may change this depending on whether our target audience feels it is effective and there is not too much text within the pieces.

- The text we brainstormed for our trailer was slightly longer, however as I will cut and edit text in specific areas it won't be too detailed. Most Horror trailers if using text make sure the pace is slow, but also that the text is intercepted between different scenes. This is why as filmmakers we are following this convention as we thought it would be effective in grabbing our audiences perspective. (This is particularly evident in real media texts at the climatic scene). In the climax within our trailer we used the text "Run Because She's Coming to Get You". It is in capital letters which are bright and bold, which we hope catches the audiences attention and build suspense as it is cut in-between scenes of Megan running in the woods.


Text is an extremely important element of trailers as they give the directors and producers an opportunity to give the audience an element of knowledge to gain their attention, but not too much so that they will be curious to see the movie. This is why every piece of text must be used appropriately as if it is not effective in giving the audience a bit of the narrative or understanding of a character it will not have an impact. This week I have been using Adobe After Effects to create animations, but also have access to a wider variety of fonts. In the future I will make a post describing the experience using Adobe After Effects for our project.

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