Friday 17 January 2014

Day 68 : Changing James


Reason for the change in actors: 

Originally we were going to use a different actor to play James, however due to the fact that he was unable to turn up to our filming sessions we decided to use someone else. Like our first actor Umah is British South Asian so he adds an element of subversion to our piece, as generally Horror portrays the ethnic majorities in the main cast rather than ethnic minorities.

What went well when using new actor:

Priscilla met up with Umer and decided a time for him to film with us on the 8th of January. We met and filmed in our frees period 3 and 4 before lunch and completed the death scene and happy scenes with his wife Jean. I was filming and Priscilla was directing both Umer (James) and Kenrique (Jean) on how they could hold themselves and where to walk so that their heads do not get cut out of the frame. Unfortunately Afreen was absent this day, however this week when she came back we updated her on what she has missed and the feedback our teacher has given us on the scenes we have filmed so far in order to keep her up to date on every decision we made without her.

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