Wednesday 8 January 2014

Day 62 : Poster and Magazine Ideas

Me and Priscilla started to research different Horror featuring magazines and Horror posters which we found effective, but also which could be easily applied to our narrative in terms of use of colour, media language to connote themes and how we can make both  of our ancillary texts link. For example in our final poster and magazine we hope to use red and have Flora with red ribbons on both, so that the viewer can straight away see they are from the same film. 

The images below represent our ideas so far:


Brainstorming ideas enabled us to gain a deeper sense of how we want our final piece to be presented to our audience. Creating this brainstorm was also useful in terms of updating Afreen on what we have been doing through her absence. It was evident through discussion that all of us as a team have a level of cohesion of how we want our final magazine and poster to look, enabling us to become closer as a group.  

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