Friday 10 January 2014

Day 63 : What I've been doing so far

We started our production on January the 6th. Since then there has been a variety of of trials and tribulations which has caused us to reevaluate and plan out our ideas.


Due to much complications despite planning ahead me and Priscilla decided to go on the hunt for a new Flora. We had to change our actress from Jalisa to Safia as her mother would not let her style her hair in the way we had planned. Despite having no main protagonist we used are initiatives by asking Jalisa if she knew anyone else who could take part and this is when we found Safia. Safia is extremely good at drama and is naturally cute and twisted fulfilling the traits we wanted for our main protagonist, enabling us to film in candle/church scene on Monday the 6th of January. 


Throughout the filming of the candle scene Safia was easy to direct and acted professionally. We contacted her parents on the weekend and scheduled to film in the studio after school on the 6th filming until 4:30. I took on the role of filming and lighting the candles and gathering props, this meant I had to be organised but also careful when constantly moving around to move chairs out of the frame so I don't knock over the wax or cause a fire hazard. In feedback ms enjoyed these scenes however I learnt that pans aren't very effective for Horror as they are too slow. 


Me and Priscilla spent alot of time taking turns filming our footage at lunch time and after school scheduling time which could suite us best. I brought in my eyeshadow kit and Priscilla depicted a black eye and bruises on Kenrique's (Jean) eyes to highlight the abuse she received from her husband (James). This was extremely effective but in terms of mise en scene it lacked due to the background on the drama studio weakening the element of Horror. 

SCENES AT FRANCESCA'S HOUSE (9th January 3:10-6:30)

Most of these scenes will have to be redone due to limited lighting but also poor use of mise en scene. Hopefully on Monday we will be able to film all the scenes of Megan and Flora, but also consider potential changes we could make in our narrative in order to make the filming process easier as the people we previously included in our narrative may not be able to re-film our footage.


Today we gained feedback from our teacher and realised that elements of mise en scene and lighting need to be improved. An example of this would be a scene we shot of our main protagonists sister Megan being dragged from her bed, as not only did the message of fear not get across as it lacked urgency but it also was unclear. Me and Priscilla plan to film on the 12th and redo this shot, as well as some scenes in the park of Flora. Through Whatsapp I will be keeping up to date with Afreen due to her being potentially unable to attend due to illness, to maintain coherence through our group and work well as a team.

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