Tuesday 28 January 2014

Day 74 : Magazine & Poster Development

Priscilla created these flatplans in order to gain a sense of what style poster and magazine we want to create for our final pieces. As previously shown we gained inspiration from real media texts when creating these, for example the magazines close up shot was inspired by the shot taken of the main protagonist from Orphan (2009). We thought gaining inspiration from Orphan would be a good idea due to the fact that our main protagonist is also young, mature and twisted giving us a good idea of how children are portrayed in Horror so that if we choose to subvert it with have a good sense of how children are typically presented. This relates to the idea that Flora (Villain) is an ethnic minority which subverts villains in the Horror industry as they are often white. 

Main elements and reasoning behind them for Poster and Magazine:

- The use of colour red symbolises the gory death of James (Flora's father) but also links to the Slasher genre. When doing research on real media texts in terms of magazines and posters, alot of the Horror editions featured the colour red which creates a dark and menacing aura. We aspire to make are readers/target audience understand what genre the film is straight away, which is why using red would be a good idea as blood is often associated with Horror.

- The doll highlights Flora's last remainder of her father therefore she is the happiest when she is with her doll. It is a key signifier of the narrative which is why we felt it must be included in the poster. The doll is Flora's only friend and emphisises the idea that their is a child hidden behind all her evil. This makes her character even more creepy, due to elements of her behaviour which outcast her from the expected norms of society.

- The bright red bow (on poster) also symbolises Flora's innocence but also clashes due to the connotations of red being lust and passion. In our narrative Flora dresses up in her mother's clothes and smears her make up all over her face, Flora subverts Freud's theory that all boys love their mother's (as they fear being castrated thus become voyeurs) but having a disturbing love for her father.

- The blue tear symbolises the genuine sadness Flora has for her father's death and the red tear symbolises her desire to murder which is tearing her apart. (Thus why her face is cracked)

- The element of a crack symbolises Flora's sanity due to her father's death. One side of her feels bad for what she has done, but the other half blames her mother for everything. (On poster and Magazine) We may not have a crack on our magazine because it is a unconventional element of Horror magazines, but also Afreen's been trying to create a crack and it doesn't look effective due to the thickness of the crack.


- This week I will be print screening progress using Adobe Premier and After effects. This is in terms of creating the closing screen of our trailer in which our title "Insanity" shatters like glass. I need to re-record the voice overs of Flora as they were hard to hear and muffled.

- Afreen will be developing the magazine more, as specific fonts need to be changed e.g the broken font is not clear and we are worried about our audience being able to read our title but also whether or not the font should be red or black.

- Priscilla is editing the poster and has added the broken glass effect to symbolise Flora's sanity. This works extremely well however we are worried where the title "insanity" should be placed but also if placing the text one letter at a time downwards at the side of the page makes the audience work too hard to understand the title of our movie.

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