Friday 14 February 2014

Day 84 part 2 : Analysing Final Poster & Magazine


Last week having finished the production process of our trailer, poster and magazine we decided to do an analysis of every aspect of the magazine and poster in terms of  conventions, colour, text and what aspects attracts the readers/audience as well as comparing it to real media texts. 

Our analysis is presented in a spider diagram below.


Our final poster and magazine share similarities and differences with real media texts in terms of camera shots, effects used in post production, whether it is portrait or landscape and font style, size and colour. Analysing our final pieces and comparing them to real media texts made me realise that every piece of text, colours used, shot or angle and imagery all reinforce elements of the film and narrative. For example in the poster for "The Children" the slogan says "You brought them into the world. They'll take you out" which straight away tells the viewer that the narrative is going to be centered around evil children. This is similar to our poster where are slogan says "she's just a little girl don't be scared" as it informs our viewers that Flora is the villain but also that she isn't like other girls her age. 

Overall I believe that every aspect you place into your media products as "encoders" should communicate something to the audience which will either enable them to become curious and watch the film (in terms of eye catching colour and liking the genre) or inform them that this isn't the film for them (if they dislike the Horror genre). 

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