Friday 7 February 2014

Day 80 part 3 : Adding credits

- This slideshare represents the creation of credits but also elements of adding the crack to our poster, in terms of post-production using Photoshop and

- Our teacher suggested that Priscilla prints out our poster so far, so that we could annotate different elements that we want to change. This enabled us to use this print out as a check list once we had made the changes, as you can see above Priscilla done ticks by each element, e.g from feedback our teacher said the 15 certificate was too large so we made it smaller to follow the conventions audiences expect to see. (If there is an extremely large film certificate they will see it as odd and most likely disengage from our product and in result our film). 

- We were also advised by our teacher that we should make "How far would you go to protect the ones you love" (Which is text featured in-between our trailer to reinforce the mystery of our narrative) longer on a trailer which I edited and made longer using the speed manipulate settings in Adobe Premiere. 

- Here is the final version printed once we added all the changes as expressed on the first poster print out above. By making these changes our poster now looks more professional, as the layout isn't overcrowded as it was previously, the fonts our more readable (which is a key element as the audience has to be able to read it in a short amount of time), the credits no longer take attention away from the crack which is a really important part of our poster (in terms of informing the audience about Flora's double personas) and the text within the credits looks more aligned and clear. Clarity is key throughout the creation of film posters as the audience must be able to read every aspect of your poster, in order for them to decide whether or not they want to see your film. 

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