Friday 27 December 2013

Day 57 : Casting Flora


Me and Priscilla carried out a casting process to find our main protagonist of Insanity Flora. This was extremely important as actress who plays Flora needs to fit to cute and mature image we are looking for as "encoders" but also have a convincing acting ability in which both can impact whether or not the audience wish to go and see the trailer or not. In the video below we gave participants the same script and gave them the same guidance and direction on how to perform their role as Flora. Some participants were better than others in terms of image and acting ability which enabled us to pick our actress.

Casting meant me and Priscilla had to be extremely organised. This involved both of us setting up a camera to record each participant, directing the potential Flora's when they didn't understand the script and gaining permission to use the drama studio at lunch time. As producers of our media products we are in charge of what message we place in the magazine, trailer and poster which is why we must put a lot of effort and time pre-production.


1.  In the end me and Priscilla choose Jalisya to play Flora Black. We agreed she had the best acting ability and aura which we want Flora to have in our trailer. This meant our original plan of having a blonde white girl to play Flora had changed highlighting a subversion of Flora's image in The Turn of the Screw (we based Flora Black on Flora from Turn of the Screw). Flora being an ethnic minority enables us to target a wider audience as postmodernists film makers create difference in the name of making a genre more exciting and appealing to the audience, which in terms of our media products will be more exciting as ethnic minorities aren't often presented in the Horror industry.

2. Jalisya was also willing to be committed and take time out to take part in our production, she has also taken part in school productions as well as being able to take directions and criticism on her performance. These are the skills we need for our production process to run effectively.

3. In terms of improvements in the future I could have been more organised in terms of bringing the narrative and storyboard for participants to see so they understand their role better, as some who signed up last minute didn't understand their character properly which could have impacted their performance. Also due to me and Priscilla sharing a lot of roles on our own it was often difficult, which is why in the future we could gather anyone willing to help us in terms of making sure participants are quiet when others are performing ext.

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