Wednesday 25 December 2013

Day 56 : Clothing/Mise en scene for Cast

Flora and Jean are the main characters within our narrative, this why I believe we should mainly focus on what their clothing connotes as we want our audience to see straight away they are more monumental characters in comparison to other characters.

Here is a Glog below made using Glogster which highlights key elements of clothing and the reasoning behind it e.g Jean wearing casual clothes to highlight a time of normality and well being from the outside perspective, which is ironic as she was a victim of domestic violence by her husband James.

*If you highlight over "Glogster" on the image you can view it full sized
- Also if you click any image it zooms in 

 When producing our trailer, magazine cover and film poster it will be important to consider what each character will wear if featured and what we want it to communicate to the audience through colours, facial expressions, body language ext which is why exploring what we plan Flora and Jean to wear as main protagonists is important.

What the other characters are wearing are presented below:

Megan is Flora's older sister and we plan to conform and subvert typical
Horror representations of women, for example our actress Francesca who is
playing her is an ethnic minority which is a subversion of the lacking
representations of ethnic minorities in Horror, but also she will be portrayed
through male gaze due to what she wears however we will subvert it as she
will be intelligent. (Slut trops are usually "ditsy" and stupid)

James will be wearing casual jeans to present a typical family orientated
man, however it is ironic as he is violent towards his wife Jean. In terms of
the doctor he will be wearing a lab coat or formal suite to connote authority
which is often presented in Horror. 

Daisy Flora's friend will appear much sweeter, innocent and cute in
comparison to Flora which is why we will make sure her outfits
are bright and bold colours in contrast to her bully Flora's dark dull clothing.

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