Thursday 12 December 2013

Day 52 : Recreating scenes

Me and Priscilla decided to practice shooting a variety of angles in which we hope to use in our final trailer.
Both of us took turns being in the footage aswell as directing and recording the shots and scenes. Not only will this give us an idea of what works well and what we could do better in our final, but it also enables us to refer back to this trail when reasoning for potential changes in angles and camera techniques in group discussion.

Best bits of process

Overall I think our use of focus pull was the most successful within our trails. The voyeuristic shots of Adelina watching Priscilla was made even more effective due to the menacing aura reflected through the airy music. This scene was inspired by our narrative within "Insanity" as our main protagonist Flora watches Megan getting changed, thus giving us a stronger sense of what the scene may look like within our final trailer.

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